Vincent van Gogh used complementary colors in this painting of Fritillaries. By placing brilliant orange flowers against a bright blue background, Vincent van Gogh's painting buzzes with visual energy. Because van Gogh did not smooth his brush strokes, it's easy to see how he used complementary pairs. The red of the flowers contrasts with the green of the leaves. He also included dashes of violet which interact with the yellows.

complementary color wheel

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890)
Vincent van Gogh became one of the world's most famous artists for his expressive style of painting. Born and raised in Holland, he spent most of his adult life in France. He was influenced by Impressionist artists, but developed his own style as a Post-Impressionist.

His paintings use colors and thick brushstrokes to express moods and emotionsÑor as he said, "to suggest any emotion of an ardent temperament."

  1. : characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager zealous support or activity
  2. : FIERY, HOT <an ardent sun>
  3. : SHINING, GLOWING <ardent eyes>